Becoming A Muslim

We have been blessed in Warrington by many new Muslims joining us in worshipping our Creator. If you are a new Muslim or are thinking of becoming a Muslim or would just like to have a chat about Islam then please get in touch with Hafidh Maroof on 07531 937351.

Becoming a Muslim can be daunting and challenging and we’ve helped many new Muslims overcome barriers and helped to guide them through the basics of Islam and beyond.

There are classes available to provide educational support and gatherings of remembrance to help with connection to God, Exalted is He. There are also relaxed meetings with the imams and community members to help foster the sense of fraternity and belonging.

If you are considering converting to Islam we recommend the following books you can read.

  • The Noble Quran: A New Rendering of Its Meaning in English  
  • The Life of Muhammad; his life based on the earliest sources
  • Islam Religion of Life   
  • Wayfarers to God   
  • Islam in Victorian Britain; The life & times of Abdullah Quilliam  
  • The Lives of Man
Books on Islam